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Chosen for Change focuses on providing support to other families who have lost loved ones due to police brutality or community violence. Brown, Sr. and the CFC mourns the unconscionable murders of Delrawn Small, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Alva Braziel and those individuals whose names we may never hear or know.

Core Values & Beliefs


Core Values & Beliefs

  • Respect

  • Restraint

  • Responsibility

Goals & Objectives

Goal One: Grieving Fathers
To create healthy fathers who are the heads of their households, leaders in the community and positive role models.

Goal Two: Youth
To provide an environment, programs and services that nurture children’s and youth’s personal growth, promote wholesome relationships and community development, enabling them to be leaders and positive contributors to a healthier world.

Goal Three: Families
To create strong and productive families who understand their responsibility to the greater community.